I've been trying to upgrade my Firmware in my RNS510, and getting problems.
I have a 4120 disc that's known to work...and it won't update.
I get the software upgrade splash screen, select 'yes' and it crashes out after a couple of minutes, displaying a 'SWL Error' (software load error), ejects the disc and re-boots the RNS.
I've tried a 4120 update...
A 4020 and a 3810 disc and get the same error each time.
My RNS is a 'B' unit, currently running 2720 software.
Any ideas?
I'm struggling to know what to try next.
I can update the maps no problem at all...just not the firmware.
At least it's not 'bricked' the RNS!

Anyone got any ideas/pointers?
Thanks in advance,