General > Photography Section
Thors Edition 30 - Rig
Love it.
Stupid Qs: are those reflections on the front bumper? What are they from? Did you wash the car or are the marks artefacts from the process?
I don't know why but the car looks dirty to me. :stupid:
The car was a bit dirty. The reflections are probably some flood lights which were on.
What does it matter if the car was dirty - The photo gives a great impression of speed and that's all that matters. IMO.
Just trying to understand how Rich ended up with the image that he did. Obv he had his camera rig set up but trying to work out whether there was dirt or artefacts ie if I had a camera rig, how could I end up with the same image.
It's very simple. I might make a little video if I can be bothered at some point. The hard bit is getting the rig, and photoshopping it out. The rest is easy.
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