General > Photography Section

Lotus in the leaves

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 :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:

Sex on wheels TC love the photos and the colour is fantastic  :happy2:

looking awesome mate!

Lovely pics and a stunning purposeful car ;)

I can see some of your troubles you are having, but, why do you want to hide the car? You want the car to stand out from its surroundings. Anyway, my favourite is No#1. The close up of the n/s/f wheel, would I think look better if it was shot lower down - looking up at the wheel. 

What about taking a shot of the car on the apex of a corner of a race track - the cars natural home - just a thought.  :happy2:

Top Cat:

--- Quote from: Panthera on October 31, 2012, 10:40:40 am ---
What about taking a shot of the car on the apex of a corner of a race track - the cars natural home - just a thought.  :happy2:

--- End quote ---

Good idea, it is just a bit tricky trying to hold the apex and get my arm far enough out of the window for the shot.   :star:


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