Not mine alas, but thought you chaps might like to see the new ‘wagen my old man took delivery off a couple of weeks ago.
This replaces his ‘08 Mk5 Pirelli 3 door which he had from new. Prior to that he was in a mk5 R32 and before that a mk4 R32. Yes, he likes his fast golfs!
Spec: it’s standard apart from 19” Glendales and ACC.
Some better pics to come soon but here’s a taster:

I’m going to encourage him to join up here and update this thread but in the meantime, here’s some of his thoughts he’s mailed me on the last few days:
It’s not so much first thoughts as an almighty ‘WOW’; the car is monstrously good and totally different to the Pirelli. The instrument panel is Mickey-mouse size WHITE, which suits me more than I can tell you. (I’m not forever putting my specs on to see that dashboard, wonderful) The gear stick is so short and ridiculously smooth and fast that one can change gear with the flick of a finger, it’s that easy, honestly. The door mirrors are so shaped that one can see miles back because of the depth of the inner area of the mirror. Rear view is dark because of the tint so I’ll have to get a pair of ‘lighter’ sun shades sometime. The seats are a wow/all leather/no tyre tread gimmicks. The car is absolutely covered with plug-in devices that accommodate the person who wants to do everything but concentrate on driving! Presumably this appeals to lots of people and there may well be a few things I could benefit from in time … we’ll see. The rear spoiler is quite big/The petrol tank holds £72 worth – huge. The engine ‘purrs’ and, and well it flies! I think it is vastly faster than the last R32 I had. The brakes throw you backwards a few miles … Everything about the interior is different – like all the gadgets on the tiny weirdly shaped steering wheel – wow! Red edging to just about everything including the seat belts. Ride: We started off with ‘comfort’ mode – oh, gawd, more like a Renault 5! So, when I put it into ‘sport’ mode, your mother said, ‘That’s more like it’! I shall never use anything but the sport mode, which is only a fraction ‘tighter’ than the Pirelli. 19” wheels feel just like 18”. Xenon lights are miraculous, look pretty cool as well. ‘Day’ lights means my dash is permanently lit. Everything is different – dimensions/style of body – i.e. rear door opens when I click/ the rear VW badge is small etc. (no point in pointing out individual things, it’s all different) The rear light clusters look outstanding in the very dark ‘wine’ colour (against the white) The wheels look 21”. It runs quieter than Pirelli. Also makes a nice sound when starting it up. The ‘golf ball’ gear stick is tiny and round which is better for my hand. (Lots and lots of things I’ve not yet discovered, but, as usual, the VW brochure is ABSOLUTELY useless; their words of explanation do not make sense to either of us, and anyway are they talking about the golf mk 1 or this particular one?!) Apart from that, it’s ‘a dream come true’ as Shakespeare might once have said …My brother responded to the above with a comment that can only be summarised as “its only a golf” to which the response (tongue in cheek) was:
I tell you, this car was made in heaven, my virility is returned, and I do believe I get an orgasm each time I even look at it; know what I mean? The 35 badge appears only in one place, just in front of the driver’s door. I notice also that the nose (in front of those wickedly almighty wheels) looks stubby/short, while the outer appearance of the vehicle looks breath-taking from every angle … I tell you, this car was made in heaven (I don’t think I’ve said that before have I?) As I dwell on the big issues of life – who are we, where do we come from, what is the purpose of being and so forth, I am slowly coming to the conclusion that VW have provided the answer, that being Ed 35. I want to start a new sect, build a place of worship, preach to throngs of people and then give free rides to all converts. I now know how John Wesley felt. Glory be to God on the road!!I think he likes it!