Ok then. And before anyone flames me with "this product is better than that etc etc", this is just the benefit of my experience as a keen amateur valeter. Friends and family are happy and people come to me asking for their decent cars to be done so I guess I'm doing something right

I started off with a Porter Cable 7427, (known as a PC on some detailing sites) it was ok but as it was 110V I needed a transformer which was heavy to lug about. It gave a fairly good finish, but as its a dual action I found it hard going on tough paint finishes like VW & BMW's. I then went to a rotary, Milwaukee AP12QE, after testing it on a lot of scrap panels before using it on my own car. Great results in a short time, but be aware its very powerful and can burn through paint if you dont know how to use it!

As for good starter kits, these like from Tim at "Clean Your Car" would be a good place to start off.
http://www.cleanyourcar.co.uk/polishing/polishing-machine/meguiars-g220-complete-meguiars-kit/prod_416.htmlhttp://www.cleanyourcar.co.uk/polishing/polishing-machine/das-6-dual-action-polisher-meguiars-kit/prod_521.htmlMeguiars polishes are reasonably priced, and give consistant results IMO making them a good place to start from. you will need some masking tape, 3M 3434 will do the do without leaving any sticky on the paintwork. Make sure you use this to mask off trim and lights etc otherwise you may drag some grit out from a piece of trim and ruin a panel while polishing. Not good!
http://www.cleanyourcar.co.uk/accessories/3m-3434-masking-tape/prod_79.htmlIf you can, get hold of a scrap wing or bonnet, and test on this before you go anywhere near your car. Always polish cool panels wherever possible out of the sun, and read up and watch the videos before you get started.
A good guide to get you an understanding about the DA polisher (they use the PC 7424 but you will get the idea!)
http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=4717Dave KG on Detailing World has some great guides, read up and get stuck in guys.
Hope this helps.