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Author Topic: Paint  (Read 2156 times)

Offline paulw123

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Re: Paint
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2012, 05:22:44 pm »
buy a trolley jack, it will last you a lifetime....

got some of these as well to make it even safer
GT TDI sport 140 08plate,RCD510 DAB, leather armrest, euro cup holder


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Re: Paint
« Reply #16 on: November 08, 2012, 12:48:51 am »
buy a trolley jack, it will last you a lifetime....

got some of these as well to make it even safer
question regarding that link, I see he removes the cover to expose the hidden hole under the car, now it just so happens I was under my car today and yhat cover acyually slides to the side instead of taking it off but when he puts his jacking gizmo in its gonna stick down permanentally stopping you from sliding that cover back over the whole,,, remembering that this cover stops all the road crap from getting up into that space,,,, so you are leaving it exposed.
also what happens when the rubber bit deteriorates which it will and you cant get it out due to the snug fit ?

Offline paulw123

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Re: Paint
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2012, 11:08:01 am »
yeah i took the cover off. The covers are'nt water tight anyway, so water will get behind them. I don't drive thro muddy fields, so its only really water were talking about...although i have'nt checked lately.
I thought about cutting a hole in the cover & using sealant around it, but they really are not water tight at all.
They do not want to come out once they are forced in with the trolley jack and weight of the car.
GT TDI sport 140 08plate,RCD510 DAB, leather armrest, euro cup holder

Offline chrisr763

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Re: Paint
« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2012, 03:33:55 pm »
Them lights  :ashamed:  :love: