General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

Steve its killing me- The homepage that is...

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Temp solution is place  :smiley:

Top Cat:
Micsta what do you reckon if we get one of our members who is coming to the meet at the weekend to take a picture something like this one. Then handing it over to you to do some magic on it and turn it into our homepage.  :party:

I like that idea tc. Time to set a meet up hey? thanks  steve. It was annoying me. Lol

^^^ Mike, If you have the time and we can get some good shot's next weekend then it would be great if you could help us out again and create something to base our new home on  :happy2:

Sure thing. This friday  is my last exam ever (thank the heavens) and after that im scot free with lots of time to come up with something good  for you guys. Mike


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