Hi Everyone, sorry I've not posted anything on this car for a while, due to workload we've only just managed to get back onto it a few days before Xmas
There are just loads of great builds going on here now, you guys really are doing some great next level stuff
Ok the plan with this is pretty much the same as it was before, nice daily driver that can be quickly transformed within a day or so to a fast sprint / track car then returned back to road trim quite easily
I'll run through a few things here and keep updating regularly from now on, we also have another interesting project build I'll start a new thread on later in the year
Shell stripped and mods for AWD

Front end totally stripped prop S3 prop fitted for trial

We only get Saturday 9AM while 1Pm to work on this car so things can get messy

Prop mounts in sealed and painted

Boot floor mods finished sealed and painted, we'll be fitting a closing panel above the diff inside the car for quick removal if need be, saves dropping the axle

We'll be using all alloy for the suspension that was always the plan, R32 rear cradle with RS3 diff

There she is equipped with a 7 speed DSG

Here's the blower and fuel pump Both built by our friends in Germany @ Loba Motorsport
This turbo is a modified 500P with a bigger compressor wheel, the housing is also opened up more than the 500P, power wise who knows, its the first of its kind we're hoping for 550hp on road fuel, I'm sure it will be enough (For now


RS3 loom there, needs simplifying somewhat

Turbosmart actuator from our new Ozzy friends 1 bar boost springs fitted for trial

Milltek Race DP fitted we will mod it for better flow, more info later

And She's in, beautiful

Genuine VW Cup kit from all the way from Poland, we will be modding some parts think more 'Golf 24hr race car


Thanks guys you all keep up the good work I'll post more on this soon