General > New Member Intro's

Oh, surely not?

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--- Quote from: tony_danza on November 24, 2008, 10:31:46 am ---LOL - just an in-joke with TC, he calls me "that Tony" I didn't mean it to sound like I was going to be naughty.

There's some interesting stuff I've been reading on here, so I've joined to pop in every now and again to see if I can add any useful input.


--- End quote ---

ahh, i see, well look forward to your contribution  :happy2:

Hi mike!

how you doin? managed to get rid of the anni then?

im selling mine now, got a mk5 on the way!

Hey fella. Not too bad mate, you?

Yeah, went to the first person who saw it and for asking price - credit crunch-schmedit crunch. You'll not have a problem shifting yours either.

You after a 170 diesel?.. get a GTI, they cost no more to run!!

Welcome Tony/Mike  :happy2:

Good to have you here!  :jumpmove:

ive already got a 170 3-door mate! its at the dealers now, just waiting for lombard to pull there finger out! not expecting it today! :(


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