Regards the 997t I've got loads floating around in my head at the minute, I know I can't compete for top speed with the big boys unless I build it 4 litre and run at least 30-76's then we'll see 200mph minimum in the standing mile at around 20 seconds with close to 220mph V max wheel diam dependent but at the cost of making the car not to nice to drive day to day, suppose I could always have two engines and swap em over when we V-max

(& yes I have actually thought seriously about that but don't tell the missis!

The thing is we're trying hard to make a good all-round powerful but traffic friendly car, I'm concentrating right now on trying to break 100 in under 6 seconds but its hard as it only does 99.6mph GPS in third at 7250rpm so we've got to go to fourth to get past 100mph and I dare not rev it any harder as a stock motor!!
But with the help of this lot

And this lot

We should be able to do some damage with a higher rev limit and more boost
Back to the tfsi's we're going to run both at lower comp than stock but not by a mile, both will have WON kits fitted as they are pure sprint not road cars
We've gone for Loba spec Mahle Pistons with Arrow custom rods and custom rod bolts
Piston coating specs are a little secret but for a brief run down:
Coated bearing surfaces (piston sleeves) for better running-in characteristics and reserves under maximum load and deficient lubrication e.g. cold starting, washed off lubricating film in case of failure of the spark plug, Moreover, our coating allows less piston to bore clearance despite the pistons complex shape reducing engine noise.
We've had problems with JE's knocking in the past (slap) and triggering the knock sensors early but that was a good few years ago maybe they are a lot better now.
My main problem now is all the projects going off at once plus normal day to day stuff ! Its making my head hurt
