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Author Topic: APR/Race Developments Stage 4+ 700hp+ TTRS Build  (Read 77314 times)

Offline Statller-Stevo

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Re: Povertys TTRS
« Reply #60 on: November 15, 2012, 04:19:15 pm »
Regards the 997t I've got loads floating around in my head at the minute, I know I can't compete for top speed with the big boys unless I build it 4 litre and run at least 30-76's then we'll see 200mph minimum in the standing mile at around 20 seconds with close to 220mph V max wheel diam dependent but at the cost of making the car not to nice to drive day to day, suppose I could always have two engines and swap em over when we V-max  :signLOL: (& yes I have actually thought seriously about that but don't tell the missis!  :innocent:).
The thing is we're trying hard to make a good all-round powerful but traffic friendly car, I'm concentrating right now on trying to break 100 in under 6 seconds but its hard as it only does 99.6mph GPS in third at 7250rpm so we've got to go to fourth to get past 100mph and I dare not rev it any harder as a stock motor!!

But with the help of this lot :laugh:

And this lot  :laugh:

We should be able to do some damage with a higher rev limit and more boost

Back to the tfsi's we're going to run both at lower comp than stock but not by a mile, both will have WON kits fitted as they are pure sprint not road cars
We've gone for Loba spec Mahle  Pistons with Arrow custom rods and custom rod bolts

Piston coating specs are a little secret but for a brief run down:
Coated bearing surfaces (piston sleeves) for better running-in characteristics and reserves under maximum load and deficient lubrication e.g. cold starting, washed off lubricating film in case of failure of the spark plug, Moreover, our coating allows less piston to bore clearance despite the pistons complex shape reducing engine noise.

We've had problems with JE's knocking in the past (slap) and triggering the knock sensors early but that was a good few years ago maybe they are a lot better now.

My main problem now is all the projects going off at once plus normal day to day stuff ! Its making my head hurt  :stupid:-

Offline Janner_Sy

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Re: Povertys TTRS
« Reply #61 on: November 15, 2012, 04:33:52 pm »
if things are getting manic, im willing to take either the golf or the Porka off your hands.

Purely to allow you to concentrate on the time attack cars   :innocent:

Offline Statller-Stevo

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Re: Povertys TTRS
« Reply #62 on: November 15, 2012, 05:13:55 pm »
Tell you what Si I was looking through some 2012 TA season footage a few days ago, and I'm well excited tbh I can't wait  :party:
All the competitors seem pretty nice and friendy too, suppose we'll find out soon if they really are!
I know we'll get our arses handed to us for a while but we'll learn & Its something I want my little boy to take an interest in too,
 I remember when my old man raced F1 boats back in the early eighties I was only little then but I remember the noises of the engines and the smell of the race fuels they used (they used to call it dope!! hah!!)  :signLOL:

Offline Poverty

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Re: Povertys TTRS
« Reply #63 on: November 15, 2012, 11:43:01 pm »
Build that 997TT and rev it to 8k  :driver:

Have you any 100-200kmh data for the porsche at all? Id imagine the 30-130 times must be in the 8's. Would have been a 9 sec car at marham if it wasnt for the rain imo.

We had a discussion about JE pistons on my vagtuning forum in regards to piston slap but we dont think we should have a problem here. Jonny has custom CP pistons for his but they proved to be a nightmare for Race developments in term of finish design and required some altering before fitting from RD.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2012, 11:48:47 pm by Poverty »

Offline Poverty

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Re: Povertys TTRS
« Reply #64 on: November 15, 2012, 11:52:30 pm »
Engine Spec:-

Full race engine build
Balanced and blueprinted
Superfinished crankshaft
Gasflowed race spec cylinder head with valve seat modifications
Bore block
I-beam Rods
Custom oversized pistons, high temp low friction coating
Full Ferrea valvetrain
ARP bolts


Fully superfinished gearbox internals
SMF circa 5.5kg (oem 13.5kg)
Twin plate clutch

Offline Poverty

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Re: Povertys TTRS
« Reply #65 on: November 16, 2012, 11:57:01 pm »
BT Time  :laugh:

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Re: Povertys TTRS
« Reply #66 on: November 17, 2012, 12:12:03 am »
 :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:   :drool:

                         WOW !

 :party:  This is something else  :party:
If it's not broke, Mod it.....

Silver is the way !

Offline Statller-Stevo

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Re: Povertys TTRS
« Reply #67 on: November 17, 2012, 11:15:40 am »
Build that 997TT and rev it to 8k  :driver:

Have you any 100-200kmh data for the porsche at all? Id imagine the 30-130 times must be in the 8's. Would have been a 9 sec car at marham if it wasnt for the rain imo.

We had a discussion about JE pistons on my vagtuning forum in regards to piston slap but we dont think we should have a problem here. Jonny has custom CP pistons for his but they proved to be a nightmare for Race developments in term of finish design and required some altering before fitting from RD.

I've not run the 997 100-200k yet but have done the 0-60 (3.2 with lots of wheel spin) 0-100 (6.2) 30-130 (9.2) on a road fuel, safe map, the ignition is quite mild and the lambda in the high 7's with EGT's sat stable at 800 degrees at wot (205mph) so with the C16 we can run a more aggressive ignition but leaner map basically there is room for around 60-80 whp just from using the same hardware

I'll try to build the engine on the 997 just before or after Xmas, I can post some pics up if your interested, probably going to use evoms head studs vs the ARP's now with hellfire gaskets as evoms have improved the studs no end to withstand just about anything you throw at them, I love the Porsche stuff and about 70% of our bulk day to day work is Porsche but when I think with my head instead of my heart, I don't think chasing the big top end mph numbers is going to grow my business much, we'll work on in gear times and drivability I'd guess 210 GPS is a good speed to top out at  :laugh:

Your build is going to be Awesome Jason, I'm very impressed can't wait to see it run next year! I will want a ride in that!
I hope I can get the Golf RS running ok for Marham will you have yours built by then?
All the parts in your build look superb quality :happy2:

Offline damoegan

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Re: Povertys TTRS
« Reply #68 on: November 18, 2012, 07:01:28 pm »
What size turbo is that, Jas? 3071?

Offline Poverty

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Re: Povertys TTRS
« Reply #69 on: November 18, 2012, 10:29:19 pm »
Build that 997TT and rev it to 8k  :driver:

Have you any 100-200kmh data for the porsche at all? Id imagine the 30-130 times must be in the 8's. Would have been a 9 sec car at marham if it wasnt for the rain imo.

We had a discussion about JE pistons on my vagtuning forum in regards to piston slap but we dont think we should have a problem here. Jonny has custom CP pistons for his but they proved to be a nightmare for Race developments in term of finish design and required some altering before fitting from RD.

I've not run the 997 100-200k yet but have done the 0-60 (3.2 with lots of wheel spin) 0-100 (6.2) 30-130 (9.2) on a road fuel, safe map, the ignition is quite mild and the lambda in the high 7's with EGT's sat stable at 800 degrees at wot (205mph) so with the C16 we can run a more aggressive ignition but leaner map basically there is room for around 60-80 whp just from using the same hardware

I'll try to build the engine on the 997 just before or after Xmas, I can post some pics up if your interested, probably going to use evoms head studs vs the ARP's now with hellfire gaskets as evoms have improved the studs no end to withstand just about anything you throw at them, I love the Porsche stuff and about 70% of our bulk day to day work is Porsche but when I think with my head instead of my heart, I don't think chasing the big top end mph numbers is going to grow my business much, we'll work on in gear times and drivability I'd guess 210 GPS is a good speed to top out at  :laugh:

Your build is going to be Awesome Jason, I'm very impressed can't wait to see it run next year! I will want a ride in that!
I hope I can get the Golf RS running ok for Marham will you have yours built by then?
All the parts in your build look superb quality :happy2:

Yeah thats one aspect of my build thats always in the back of my mind. Dont wanna make it too silly that it ruins everyday driving.

 I think driveability and response is deffo where its at for most people with porsche cars, well heck any car tbh. We will have to do some passenger rides for sure, wanna feel that porka pin me back hard! The aim is to have it all ready for march,but you know what its like with development work, it could always run over!

What size turbo is that, Jas? 3071?

3076  :happy2:

Offline Poverty

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Re: Povertys TTRS
« Reply #70 on: November 18, 2012, 11:59:43 pm »
Ive made some extra progress on the weight saving. These recaros are 13kg with sidemounts and runners. The OEM seats are about 34kg, so a saving of 21kg per seat.

The titanium exhaust saves 26kg over OEM.

So thats a 68kg saving so far. I have a few more weight saving ideas in my head, so should be able to reduce the weight by about 100kg over stock. Will make the car weigh roughly 1360kg with a quarter tank.

At last weigh in the car weighed 1453kg with a quarter tank and milltek exhaust. So with these bits not a millions miles off the target weight.

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Re: Povertys TTRS
« Reply #71 on: November 19, 2012, 06:04:05 am »
Just shed the gut, you fat crap :p

Theres a good 20kg :p
APR stage 3 Leon! Custom mapped! K04 Powaaahhh

With a willy waving 350bhp!

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Re: Povertys TTRS
« Reply #72 on: November 19, 2012, 10:58:43 am »
Just curious but what's the expected power/torque figures from this beast?  :smiley:

Offline NotNormal

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Re: Povertys TTRS
« Reply #73 on: November 19, 2012, 12:20:33 pm »
Going on the limitations of the turbo, with supporting mods, if it had cams and head work ect... 560bhp tops as a max guess .....

.....what are you hoping for poverty ?

Loving the build so far, kudos to you  :drinking:
Gonna be a great drive once its back together  :driver: :happy2:
Don't judge me by your ability !

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Re: Povertys TTRS
« Reply #74 on: November 19, 2012, 12:25:58 pm »
With the stage 3 turbo kit the aim is 600hp from what I've been told. Some argue the turbo can't flow that much, but APR have their own theories. We will soon see. Once stage 3 is wrapped up and signed off stage 4 will come next.

650hp/650lbft is my final aim on vpower.