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Author Topic: does the gti come with standard tints  (Read 2737 times)


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does the gti come with standard tints
« on: November 14, 2012, 12:54:00 am »
was just wondering if the gti came with different levels of rear window tints
mine is an 08 5dr and I can see my tints are factory but not sure if the buyer asked for this or it is standard
may seem a silly question but I have seen other gti's with almost clear windows around the same age as mine ?
I would like to get the rear windows darker mostly to block sunlight for my 2 kids but also for appearance but I don't want anything sticky on.
with technology these days is it possible to get this done without it looking like something has been stuck on it ?
I am in Scotland also and don't know of any places that may do this.
also don't want it to just look darker I need it to actually help the kids not get blinded as my tints as now don't actually block out much
any help appreciated and thanks in advance :fighting2:

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Re: does the gti come with standard tints
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2012, 04:42:40 am »
// as an alternative. I used to have a type S civic and people swear by them. Removable and cheaper than conventional tints. Have a look and see what you think

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Re: does the gti come with standard tints
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2012, 07:47:08 am »
Tinting from the b piller back was a factory option. I thought modern tints were pretty good these days.

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Re: does the gti come with standard tints
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2012, 08:32:51 am »
I know that diamond tints in Glasgow do this. I personally have never used them before but there is always lambos etc in getting done. I cant imagine that their work is to bad ? If you live local to them you could pop in and see what the quality is like before you buy  :wink:


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Re: does the gti come with standard tints
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2012, 09:27:35 am »
Tinting from the b piller back was a factory option. I thought modern tints were pretty good these days.
my tints are fairly dark, but I have seen quite a few gti's out there a bit lighter around same age, if the tints are not standard and mine are factory done then I guess the ones I see are after market,,, aint seen that many but seen a few.
the tint I have is ok but doesn't stop the sun bothering the kids especially my 3 year old, mind you with the sun we get might not need to bother lol.

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Re: does the gti come with standard tints
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2012, 06:35:25 pm »
Mine came with no dark tint at all. Wasn't even offered as an option when I got mine in '05.
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Re: does the gti come with standard tints
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2012, 06:49:41 pm »
My mate (whos independent garage do all my work) did mine mate and you can't tell they are tints. My rear windows before that we're completely clear. Think I paid about 80 though he's in Dunfermline. Motorwerks in Aberdeen do it and are pretty decent by all accounts but were quoting about double the price I ended up paying.

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Re: does the gti come with standard tints
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2012, 06:51:10 pm »
And I should add that I've got a 3 year old and that was the reason I got the tints. Blocks the majority of the sun out, perhaps not as well as the wife's kuga but good enough.


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Re: does the gti come with standard tints
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2012, 07:43:05 pm »
My mate (whos independent garage do all my work) did mine mate and you can't tell they are tints. My rear windows before that we're completely clear. Think I paid about 80 though he's in Dunfermline. Motorwerks in Aberdeen do it and are pretty decent by all accounts but were quoting about double the price I ended up paying.
I would assume your price was mates rates to a point ?
was that £80 just for the back window or also the 2 rear sides ? and did motorwerks quote you that price again just for the back ?

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Re: does the gti come with standard tints
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2012, 08:08:03 pm »
Don't think it was mates rates to be honest. It was for all windows rear of the B pillar. Motorwerks quote was for the same.


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Re: does the gti come with standard tints
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2012, 08:11:18 pm »
Don't think it was mates rates to be honest. It was for all windows rear of the B pillar. Motorwerks quote was for the same.
can you give me the tel no for the place in Dunfermline,,,, assuming it aint that far away from abdn,,, did you just wait whilst it was done ? if so how long
waited last week when the brilliant golfman fitted my 510 camera etc etc etc and it was freezing man, 7 hours doing nothing but watch him work, I couldn't do a thing it was all wiring,,, don't wanna do that again man,,, I was numb for a day after it lol  :surprised:

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Re: does the gti come with standard tints
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2012, 08:26:26 pm »
Aye ill give you his details mate. It's 2 hours from the Deen. I left it there for the day as I got him to valet it as well while it was in. My folks live there so isn't an issue for me heading down etc. To be honest, Motorwerks might be less hassle as if you add time to get down there and then petrol you won't be that much cheaper!? They've done all the work on my car - top lads and right into their VWs (mate in Dunf).


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Re: does the gti come with standard tints
« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2012, 09:58:45 pm »
never dealt with motorwerks as never customised any car before this one, is it a big place ? is it decent quality, I guess it is in Aberdeen city,,,,, you are right though, 2 hour drive and nothing to do when I get there and the petrol.
have you actually used motorwerks yourself ?
will maybe go see them tomorrow or so,,, wouldn't want it to look like it was stuck on especially at the corners after a year or so with pealing etc,,,,
thanks for your help mate and as I say would be nice to catch up, maybe I could come and visit you in the next couple of weeks or so to compare ideas etc if you wouldn't mind  :happy2:

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Re: does the gti come with standard tints
« Reply #13 on: November 14, 2012, 10:43:05 pm »
No problem mate. I've never used them personally but they come recommended by the guys on EastSide VW. If you use Facebook they have a page, just search for motorwerks. Sure they have some examples of work they've done. Mostly decent cars too. They are somewhere in the west end, don't think it's a massive place.

Aye that would be cool. Fancy giving the golf a run on the Banchory road. Will see when I've got a free weekend and get something sorted.

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Re: does the gti come with standard tints
« Reply #14 on: November 14, 2012, 11:26:18 pm »
Why don't you get the Blinds Scott?  :happy2: