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Author Topic: Can I update my 2009 Touareg RNS510 Version-B FW-1202?  (Read 3002 times)


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Can I update my 2009 Touareg RNS510 Version-B FW-1202?
« on: November 15, 2012, 08:27:12 am »
Hi All,

I'm Jay, pleased to meet you!

I have a dilema. I purchased a 2009 Touareg Altitude 3.0 TDI 2 weeks ago from VW. SInce my purchase, I have experienced 2 issues with the audio/sat-nav unit:

1. Sometimes, the Sat Nav starts with a map in Germany
2. It will only read SD cards up to 2GB. 4GB, 8GB, 16GB and 32GB do not work (SD Card Error)

I took it to VW, they said that I have an RNS510 version B head unnit with FW 1202. They said that if I want it to read cards larger than 2GB I would need a new steroe which I would need to pay for! They said the German map is probably due to an antenna problem. They also said that there is a misprint in their manual and that it should not say 2GB - 32GB.

Now I have done lots of reading online and I think VW are talking rubbish! Looks like lots of people have had this issue with an RNS510 and resolved with a firmware update? If this is the case and a FW update will resolve the issue, PLEASE can someone help me? I am at your mercy as this issue is driving me and my new Touareg up the garden path and down a creek (and costing lots of diesel)!

I look forward to you help! Hail all enthusiasts!



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Re: Can I update my 2009 Touareg RNS510 Version-B FW-1202?
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2012, 02:14:49 pm »
Hi All,

Just thought I would update you on my progress.

I updated my RNS 510 to FW 2760 and answered my own questions - Can you trust VW? NO. Do they know what they are talking about?? NO. Rest assured that I will be writing a complaint about the fact that 2 of their branches have fed me nonsense about the lack of 4GB-32GB SD card support on my unit.

Post my upgrade, I tried a 8GB and 16GB SD card. Both worked fine!

The upgrade took around 40 minutes and I had no errors.

I will let you know if I find any issues. In the mean time, please can you let me know if I should consider any other updates?

Also, the HDD says degraded. Probably got something to do with the partitions not being in-line with FW 2760. Would you agree? If so, can someone let me know what the fix is please?

