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Author Topic: MFD2 CD Nav - cleaning or changing the laser?  (Read 1817 times)

Offline Itguy

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MFD2 CD Nav - cleaning or changing the laser?
« on: October 11, 2013, 04:33:21 pm »
Hi Everyone

Our MFD2 seems to not like cold mornings at the moment, giving CD incompatible messages when cold.

Drive the car for 20 mins so the cabin gets warm and its all hunky dory again.

Having had the CD out when cold I can't see any condensation/mist on it so so I'm assuming that the laser is either getting weak or needs a clean.

Anyone taken an MFD2 apart before?

I'm quite handy with the screwdrivers/soldering iron and have replaced a laser pickup in my Z4 DVD nav drive etc.