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Author Topic: ED30 Headache!  (Read 8396 times)

Offline mazza

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Re: ED30 Headache!
« Reply #30 on: November 16, 2012, 02:05:00 pm »
Perhaps an extreme example, but a Caterham R300 is £28k, but I'm guessing the ride isn't too quiet! Expecting two £20k cars to offer similar levels of refinement isn't logical if you don't take into account the cars primary purpose. The Golf is indeed a great all-rounder, but adding sound deadening adds weight, which compromises performance.

Andrew fair point but i wouldnt expect a Caterham to be quiet and refined as i would be buying it for outright speed and a weekend blast,  on the other hand i want to buy a daily driver Golf gti for a decent amount of speed and a decent amount of comfort and practicality. ie ride quality and noise should not be a compromise

Anyway lets not make this a heated debate about how good the Mk5 Gti is as no car is perfect, we just need to sort out Xizors noisy ride before he sells it  :laugh:

Offline berg

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Re: ED30 Headache!
« Reply #31 on: November 16, 2012, 02:10:56 pm »
Get an evoms Intake  and a TBE exhaust you won't notice the tyre noise after that :rolleye:

too true dont notice anything like that  :evilgrin:
Diamond Black Pearl Edition 30, still going strong but now back to Stg 1

Offline andygo

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Re: ED30 Headache!
« Reply #32 on: November 16, 2012, 02:14:43 pm »
I had bridgestones on my ed30 but have changed to PS3's and they are lots better.

Try emigrating to France, the roads are super quiet over there, the tarmac is probably cooked better. I always notice it the second I get off the Eurotunnel.


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Re: ED30 Headache!
« Reply #33 on: November 16, 2012, 06:06:19 pm »
read the first page dude on this thread then jumped to the end,,, I researched the tyre dep heavily only a matter of weeks ago as I just bought the car and it had noisy tyres on it with 2 diff Michelin tread patterns on,,, I came from a mk4 golf and my wife still runs her mk4 golf and I noticed the road noise straight away.
I put that down to going from 15s to 18s and 3mm tryes and wrong tread patterns but I knew no matter what I bought it would be noisier than my mk4 simply due to the bigger wheels.
I ran threads on here for quiet tyres but also wanted the best grip I could get,,, after a lot of research and a lot of help from other members I decided the best all round tyre out there was the eagle asym 2s and fitted mine about a month ago.
it is not your tyres dude,,,,, you may and I stress may find a marginally quieter tyre out there but it will sacrifice gripp or something else.
if your tyres have only done 4500 miles and are 7mm and 6mm then it aint them, I changed my pressures also from the guy who fitted them which was 34psi down to 30psi,,, I have not even checked what they are meant to be but the slightly softer ride helps.
im thinking if your pressures are ok, it may be your wheel allingment,,,, have you had that checked at all in the past ?
try driving on a flat road and take your hands of the wheel to see if your car drifts,,, try and get a flat road though as most uk roads are designed to pull to the laft for water dispersal.
other thing it could be and a bit of a long shot is you may just have a wheel that is out of balance or could even have a buckle,,,,, very very common an unbalanced wheel.
if I was you I would prob pop in somewhere and just get them to balance all your wheels and ask them if any are out,,, will take 10 minutes and cost about £15 or so,,, then check if your car is any straighter.
if you have a wheel out of balance you wont necessarily notice it by the car drifting as it may not effect it but an unbalanced wheel can and will contribute to road noise.
once this is all done then if you still have a prob then try and meet up with someone else from the forum with the same car and compare each others on the same road.

just my tuppence worth buddy  :happy2:

Offline mad_pete

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Re: ED30 Headache!
« Reply #34 on: November 16, 2012, 06:34:39 pm »
I though new tyres had to produce a label with how loud they are on.


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Re: ED30 Headache!
« Reply #35 on: November 16, 2012, 07:18:50 pm »
I though new tyres had to produce a label with how loud they are on.
they do but it isn't really publicised information

Offline PDT

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Re: ED30 Headache!
« Reply #36 on: November 16, 2012, 08:31:50 pm »
I have experienced road noise from Goodyear Assym 2's and more so on Dunlop sportmax when test driving customers cars.

Maybe see if there's a member on here that's local that can give you a 2nd opinion compared to their car? Or go drive a modern Renault/Citroen/Peugeot (or other euro sh*tbox) and see what real road noise is!

Offline Horatio

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Re: ED30 Headache!
« Reply #37 on: November 16, 2012, 10:29:59 pm »
Get yourself some P-zero rossos, I could not believe the difference in road noise when I was running four of them.

What he said.  :happy2:
2007 Black Magic DSG Golf GTI Edition 30. No.1231
.:R32 "milk and juice come in 2 litres"
I run a dirty campervan, need scrubbers


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Re: ED30 Headache!
« Reply #38 on: November 16, 2012, 10:37:06 pm »
Get yourself some P-zero rossos, I could not believe the difference in road noise when I was running four of them.

What he said.  :happy2:
don't waste your money slapping new rubber on, your tyres are very good quality and lots of gti drivers on this forum rate them as the best rubber you can buy, plus if you have an out of balance wheel new tyres wont eradicate that,, well not until they rebalance the wheel anyway,,,,, get the balance checked the way they are now as its the only way you will find out if this was the problem

Offline Andy

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Re: ED30 Headache!
« Reply #39 on: November 16, 2012, 11:11:51 pm »
I though new tyres had to produce a label with how loud they are on.
they do but it isn't really publicised information
when you buy new tyres now the information has to be on your reciept


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Re: ED30 Headache!
« Reply #40 on: November 16, 2012, 11:28:58 pm »
I though new tyres had to produce a label with how loud they are on.
they do but it isn't really publicised information
when you buy new tyres now the information has to be on your reciept
so does the decibel rating have to do on it as well now ?
plus you are going to get this info on your receipt - ie - when you have already had them fitted and paid for them I guess if that's the case and it will be to late then.
I personally do not believe the manufacturers decibel level on their tyres as im sure you are not necessarily going to get the same on the open road and I worked for Michelin for years and ran a tyre garage for a few years as well although this was a few years back.
I generally read reviews to narrow the search then once I have maybe a top 3 then hit the forum to find out what other drivers think as they are driving exactly the same car and the feedback you get on this forum is generally very good with a lot of helpful people.

get the balance checked on your existing tyres mate,,, £15 and 10 minutes

Offline Xizor

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Re: ED30 Headache!
« Reply #41 on: November 16, 2012, 11:44:56 pm »
Thanks Scott for the very useful input.

I have a feeling you are probably right. Changing the tyres will only make a marginal difference. Although some people have told me it's like night & day! I really don't know what to believe.

Tyres are fairly unique, in that you can't take them back if you don't get on with them. It's an expensive gamble.

BTW, the noise rating now required on tyres is the external noise. That may not necessarily relate to the noise inside the car.

I have experienced road noise from Goodyear Assym 2's and more so on Dunlop sportmax when test driving customers cars.

That's interesting PDT. Have there been any cars that have seemed quiet? If so, did you notice what rubber they were on?

Hopefully I will be able to have a ride in another ED30 soon for comparison.

Cheers  :smiley:

Offline Andy

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Re: ED30 Headache!
« Reply #42 on: November 16, 2012, 11:59:20 pm »
You now have to tell the customer all the information  before buying  now


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Re: ED30 Headache!
« Reply #43 on: November 17, 2012, 12:48:17 am »
Thanks Scott for the very useful input.

I have a feeling you are probably right. Changing the tyres will only make a marginal difference. Although some people have told me it's like night & day! I really don't know what to believe.

Tyres are fairly unique, in that you can't take them back if you don't get on with them. It's an expensive gamble.

BTW, the noise rating now required on tyres is the external noise. That may not necessarily relate to the noise inside the car.

I have experienced road noise from Goodyear Assym 2's and more so on Dunlop sportmax when test driving customers cars.

That's interesting PDT. Have there been any cars that have seemed quiet? If so, did you notice what rubber they were on?

Hopefully I will be able to have a ride in another ED30 soon for comparison.

Cheers  :smiley:
no probs mate, I don't like slating peoples opinions but for the goodyear in comparison to the Pirelli being night and day it simply isn't true, I studied these 2 tyres compared to each other hard, when I came for peoples opinions on this forum all the research I done pointed to the goodyears being slightly the better tyre in all departments including water dispersal but road noise was my biggest problem like you.
is your car lower than normal gti ? if so this will cause noise, I backed up my tyre choice with some people on here who have driven gti's for years and are on the same tyres albeit some of them on the older tread pattern asym 1s apposed to 2s,,,, Pirelli is a good tyre although a soft tyre which limits their mileage but if your tyres are in the condition you say they are with 6mm tread you will not benefit changing to Pirelli, in fact I think it will be noisier.
pop into a as you wait garage and ask them to check the balance on your wheels and make sure they tell you how much they where out by,,, it could be something simple like weights fallen off one wheel, as I said will take 15 minutes and cost £20 at the most, also set the tyre pressures exactly the same all round, then go for a drive,,,, make sure you tell them when balancing the wheels you want them bang on zero as some garages just get the weight close and don't bother getting it spot on cause they are just lazy and it is a low profit job to re-balance wheels,,,,,, if one of the wheels is way out then it is buckled and you will need a new one - but only if it is waaaaay out though.
with regards to garages now having to tell you the tyre sticker details - can you imagine going into a busy kwik fit or something and the guy saying to you - yes sir this tyre is a grip rating A and it is a noise rating E and so on,,,,,,,,, no chance unless they think they are getting mystery shopped lol.
you already have one of the best tyres out there, just find out why they are noisy,,, could just be the car,,, when I first got mine I found it noisy but once I chucked the 4mm or so Michelins off and put on the asym 2s although with brand new wheels I got used to it being a bit noisier than my old car and I don't notice it now at all.
im gonna hedge my bets here on tyre inbalance,,, keep us posted dude but don't waste your £sss on new rubber

Offline JigBake

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Re: ED30 Headache!
« Reply #44 on: November 17, 2012, 08:06:28 am »
You need to ask people from you area to take you for a ride. It would be really really helpful, especially if they are running different tyres. Changing the tyres just because of road noise is a very expensive move to make, without a garauntee of it resolving the problem.

I havent drove my car in a couple of weeks now, so im going to get it out the garage today and listen out for road noise now its been mentioned.