Hey folks,
Been having some rather serious talks with lots of people about what to do with my car after the stuff with the L200
My insurance company have got back to me.
The market value of my car is apparently £4020....
If I wish to keep the car "as is" and then do whatever I like with it...
Market Value £4020.00
Less Excess £600.00
Less salvage Value £522.60
Settlement figure £2897.40
In addition I would be able to claim my excess back as its a "non fault" claim.
So a grand total of £3497.40 and keeping the car.
If I want to "write off" the car it would be as follows.
Market Value £4020.00
Less Excess £600.00
Settlement figure £3420.00
The of course if excess is recoverable due to "non fault" I would get that back
So grand total £4020 with the car going to the great car heaven in the sky.
They have also suggest that I can find alternatives in regards to having it repaired under them and they pay the bill...but they suggested this would need to be in the region of £3000 in total.
Going forward I am going to investigate other body shops in my area as the one who the insurance sent it too are know for being a bit greedy ! Plus I don't entirely agree with there market evaluation.
Any thoughts or suggestions folks ? Can I rename my car the comeback queen / phoenix