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Classic Motor Show

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Mk5 GTian:

Love the Lancia Strati (Plural for Stratos!)

some cracking shots, was mega busy today but what a cracking show, ulgy ducking was a stand out car for me, some other great stuff, guilty pleasure was the metallic orange detomaso pantera with the chromed engine bay

Great pics Neil!  :drinking:

Really looking forward to having a nosey round tomorrow!  :happy2:

Oh and Andy, can't believe you didn't pop in for a cuppa today!  :sad1:


--- Quote from: Greeners on November 17, 2012, 09:44:52 pm ---Oh and Andy, can't believe you didn't pop in for a cuppa today!  :sad1:

--- End quote ---

i was under strict orders on when to be home lol  :jumping:

great pics Neil, so many to choose from its difficult to pic one. the EB110 gets better with age me thinks...


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