General > Photography Section

Classic Motor Show

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Gene Hunt:
Great pics. :congrats:

Thanks for sharing those pics, Neil  :drinking: - I really enjoyed seeing some of those cars again as I can remember when they were the latest models.

I think their was a lot of middle aged blokes having memories of their first cars (105E Anglia for me)  :happy2:

Pain getting good pics of cars on red carpet, gave every thing an orange hue, any settings tips?


Top Cat:

--- Quote from: NeilM on November 17, 2012, 05:13:46 pm ---I think their was a lot of middle aged blokes having memories of their first cars (105E Anglia for me)  :happy2:

Pain getting good pics of cars on red carpet, gave every thing an orange hue, any settings tips?


--- End quote ---

 Custom white balance.   :wink:

Looks more like the sodium lights that are screwing things up.

If the camera doesn't get it right then there should be a WB setting for that.


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