I've installed my Depo xenonlook headlights last week (LHD, The Netherlands).
They look great! Just like o.e.m.
I've also bought and installed a quality 5000K canbus xenon kit and it works great (no faultcodes/flickering/no need to code with vcds, starts up every time, etc.).
Only problem is I received 5000K H7R bulbs, and we need H7 bulbs for our projectors (H7r is specific for reflector housings, there is a small anti-glare strip on the bulb). I think this causes two ground shadows in my projector headlights, so I'm going to send them back and swap them for normal 5000K xenon H7 bulbs. The ground shadow problem could also be due to the 'ground return wire' on the bulbs, which is located on the wrong side on our FK/Depo headlights -> Ground return wire is on 12 o'clock, while in o.e.m. projectors it's on 6 o'clock.
I've also tried stock halogen bulbs in them, to see how the light pattern would look like.
I notice that the light pattern in front of the car isn't 'evenly illuminated', like I see on other cars.
How comes? Is this normal? Have you guys also noticed this with these xenonlook headlights?
Here's a picture, above with halogen h7 bulbs and beneath with 5000k h7r xenon bulbs
(sorry for bad quality, but you can see what I mean. remember it's lhd):