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Photographing Xenon and LED headlamps

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No reason why you couldn't get similar results with a point and shoot Pete :happy2: The only thing you may struggle with on a P&S is getting the White Balance (Colour) accurate.

Does it have a manual setting? Or the option to adjust the shutter speed?



--- Quote from: B3n on November 29, 2012, 02:30:08 pm ---No reason why you couldn't get similar results with a point and shoot Pete :happy2: The only thing you may struggle with on a P&S is getting the White Balance (Colour) accurate.

Does it have a manual setting? Or the option to adjust the shutter speed?


--- End quote ---

Doesn't seem to dude, it's a Samsung ST60.

The phone manages it in the daylight if I point outside of the beam pattern (above the car basically). At night, nothings happening. Just get a big blur.

Is there an Android app that maybe helps things on the Galaxy SII? Ta  :happy2:


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