I've just been and checked mine and its fitted as forge instructions but I think it's the opposite way to RR review.
^^^As you can see this has been drawing the air from outside^^^
^^^^ Sorry but that's the wrong way round (but is as Forge's original instructions before they were corrected).
NOTE: According to Forge, you should keep them that way around (unless replaced) so that no missed debris after cleaning can be placed on the turbo side. Apparently there is no disadvantage in performance.
I have new filters from Forge and they are now fitted the correct way around (my originals weren't - I insisted on following Forge's original instructions sheet and not JKM Jim's thinking) - My dyno plots indicate no difference in performance although the filters were not tested back-to-back on the same day.
^ The side taking air to the turbo.
In other words, the filter cones (concealed inside the canisters) should be the same way around as other cone filters are usually fitted.
It's written and fully illustrated in my review.