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Author Topic: Sunroof gremlins?!  (Read 944 times)

Offline TANNER

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Sunroof gremlins?!
« on: December 16, 2012, 05:58:49 pm »
Evening everyone,

I was out in the Golf earlier and had the sunroof in the tilted position as it was a nice fresh day.
When I tried to close it again it closed but then opened straight back up.
When I tried to open it fully I had the same thing, it would tilt closed and then open again almost as if something was blocking it.

I couldnt see anything blocking from in the car or looking from outside. :confused:

After locking the car coming back to it, and then trying a few more times it eventually closed.

Anyone else experienced something similar? I havent opened it in a couple of months prior to today but wouldnt have thought it should make a difference?
