Pension is a tax break, put as much as you possibly can afford into one because you're going to need it when you're older.

If you have a company willing to pay into a pension also then take it, if you say no thanks they are not going to just give you it.
I pay 3% of salary at present and work pay in 7% into my pension and as i get older it increases. At 34, i will pay 4%, work 8%.
Had the girlfriend and future sister in law accept their employer offers, as by the time i reach state retirement age which is now 68 for me, (born 82), who knows what will be left if at all. I personally do not want to be working until im 68 to rely on a state pension that may not exist.
Something for the future - you may also look to pay additional amounts in, as and when you have pay rises. If i were to contribute an extra 1% of salary it would make approx £1800 p/yr difference in pension pay come 60.
Other options as above are rental properties, friend has 4 already at 32, so he is doing well, but if what ever reason they become empty make sure all costs can be covered by yourself.