Some good advice above here for you

Regarding not wanting the Ronnie Coleman look, dont worry about that, it wont happen matey, train as hard with the weights as you like and it still will never happen. I hear this quite regularly at the gym "I don't want to get too big"..... You won't.

Just another important thing for when you start. Dont do too much of one particular body part (even if it's your favourite etc). Keep it even, equivalent effort and time for opposite parts, chest/back for example. The uneven "hunched" look isn't good. I would also avoid cardio in weight days, food an protein supplementation is essential in the "golden hour" post training. Your muscles will be screaming for fuel at this time.
Lastly, take it steady with your routines, train to a regularity you can maintain. It's no good getting fed up after 2 months and wasting your previous efforts.
Good luck !