Cheers Tom!

I got my springs from DPM, they were here within 2 days of ordering which is pretty good as I was originally told it could take a week. As for fitting the inners, I think I will run without for now as they really are too bright for my liking and fitting laminex is just going to be a right PITA! You are right though it would tone down the brightness but that is something I actually quite like. Who knows, I may go that route in time but for now im happy with the look as I really didnt think any of them would work.
Yeah spending time with the Modfather and the other crew does start to increase the angle of the slippery slope!!
For the time being thats me I think, I cant justify any more mods as Im getting married in October so need to save some money for that or she might be a little upset if she doesnt get a wedding ring!