idiots, your 4th time in a year - feel for you dude, I mean wtf can you do to stop it,,, makes it very hard to justify spending any money on your car when you are thinking in the back of your mind that its gonna get hit again soon.
I had this where I used to live and couldn't find a way round it
go out at night and put a big bloody rock next to where you can squeeze your car in and just deny any knowledge as to how it got there, make it tight so nobody will try to park in that space but knowing you can get in there
of course you can only do that if not on main road but just a thought
around my daughters school a lady got pi**ed off with everyone parking across her back gate which leads out to the school, public road it is but what she done was put 2 huge plant pots about the length of a car in that space and now nobody parks there, classic
chin up buddy