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Author Topic: Strange stalling problem , help needed  (Read 1035 times)

Offline krisbutler02

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Strange stalling problem , help needed
« on: December 02, 2012, 04:54:00 pm »
Today just came off dual carriage way.

Dipped the clutch and the car stalled (battery light came on only)

Tried to start it and it would do half a revolution on the starter (sounded like flat battery)

So pushed it to a lay-by and had a look around for the obvious (battery terminals or any plugs / connections loose)

They all looked good  so after about 2 minuets i tried to start it again and it started 1st time with no apparent dead battery syndrome.

So carried on my journey about two minuets down the road it happened again this time with the smell of burning electrics (no smoke and couldn't pin point where the smell was from)

So again 2-3 mins later it started again, So i drove it home , on the way it happened one more time (no smell)

Got it home and VAG com'd it (no codes)

Also starts 1st time on the key i tried this over 20 times !

Now i'm baffled as i drove it again a few times up and down the dual carriage way 20 mins each run etc and it seems perfect , only thing i could say is the idle is a little low (6-700 rpm and it drops lower than that when inimically dipping the clutch)

any one got any ideas as  im stumped.

Offline krisbutler02

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Re: Strange stalling problem , help needed
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2012, 04:56:26 pm »
Ohh and its a MK5 golf GTi 2005 2.0T fsi