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Author Topic: Now have clutch slip as well. Read topics but unsure. Need advice (consolation)  (Read 2517 times)


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Yep, happened to me as well.
I have Ed30, with Oettinger stage 2 which they say gives 330hp/460Nm, but I also bought 3-inch downpipe with sportcat, so do not know how much power I have.

4th, 5th, 6th gear, pedal to the metal, from 3000RPM - surge in revs to about 3500, then falling to 3000. No acceleration during the surge.

Now hold the car by the balls, do not let it rev above 3000rpm (trying to save the flywheel), but that is crap, I do not enjoy the power I have.  :sad:

Right away I went and ordered Sachs clutch kit, which includes the plate (not sintered race type but the organic one) and sachs clutch cover. Trying to stay away from one-mass flywheel, as I wouldn't want to have vibrations and difficult starts, especially in city traffic uphill (Zurich, Switzerland).

Now, though, not sure if that was the right purchase. Should I have bought the sintered plate? Should I have bought the one-mass flywheel? Will the clutch kit I ordered be enough?  :surprised:

Fitting is expensive (not like you guys 300 quid, that's cheap!). And I am fitting it at VW service, they replace some other parts in the clutch (some springs and bolts, I think). Unfortunately, they did not know what QUaife LSD is  :surprised: so cannot splash more money on that right away. Maybe fit it later with another tuner who's done diffs. It will not cost puny 700 quid, though!  :scared:

Anyway, back to my organic clutch plate and reinforced clutch cover... Did I make a dumb mistake by ordering these particular parts and by not ordering One-mass flywheel? Who does good DMS flywheels?

Offline MAT ED30

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you should have just rung VWR  and got there paddle clutch like i have as it would have saved u alot of cash :happy2:

Mods yes but way too many to stick in this little box


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you should have just rung VWR  and got there paddle clutch like i have as it would have saved u alot of cash :happy2:

it's not the clutch, it the fitting that costs

Offline MAT ED30

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Fitting is easy and any garage can do it and should be cheap too

Mods yes but way too many to stick in this little box

Offline Mark_GTIV

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Really? Its nothing like an S3's then? My performance place put a complete Sachs kit (Flywheel, Plate, Clutch Disk, Cover) on an S3 and it more or less took 2 days of elapsed labour. Most of the labour was just removing stuff to get at the clutch.


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Fitting is easy and any garage can do it and should be cheap too

I find that surprising. Have you done the job yourself?
ABT quotes about 675 quid for labor. I do installation at my VW service for about 505 quid for labor.

Offline MAT ED30

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Fitting is easy and any garage can do it and should be cheap too

I find that surprising. Have you done the job yourself?
ABT quotes about 675 quid for labor. I do installation at my VW service for about 505 quid for labor.

i have done a few clutches in my time fella and know how easy it is  :P

Mods yes but way too many to stick in this little box

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Fitting is easy and any garage can do it and should be cheap too

I find that surprising. Have you done the job yourself?
ABT quotes about 675 quid for labor. I do installation at my VW service for about 505 quid for labor.

AMD charge  £100+vat for fitting so £675 is really taking the piss


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Fitting is easy and any garage can do it and should be cheap too

I find that surprising. Have you done the job yourself?
ABT quotes about 675 quid for labor. I do installation at my VW service for about 505 quid for labor.

AMD charge  £100+vat for fitting so £675 is really taking the piss

we all take a piss here in Switzerland