yeah mines are rear factory tinted as well, they aint dark enough though, don't want them to dark but the kids always complain about the sun and to be honest I would like them a little darker myself, one of my jobs to do,
love the black and silver colour on yours though

....Scott, have you seen the window blinds like Saintsteve has? They really are surprisingly good in the flesh.
John (Hurdy), are you going to use your old reg plate on the R?
yeah I thought about blinds but kids kept playing with them in the old car and I would like it done properly so will be looking into deeper tints next year but thanks for the advice.
have seen soooo many people on this forum modding their engine, suspension, brakes etc etc etc and soooo many taking them back off again for whole host of reasons,,,,
does the gti really need any performance mods at all ?
for track racing I understand but most are not track racing, I have driven countless cars that have been modded although not owned any and I have driven quite a few mk5 golfs also modded out,
the standard car set up of the mk5 gti is already great and I don't really see the point of chucking three grand or so upgrading something that is great already ?
I mean some people chucking a grand at a set of brakes is crazy to me,,, buying a good audio unit or a good sat nav ok I can see the sense in that, but spending thousands on mechanical upgrades on this type of car seems a bit silly
buy a Porsche or something with the extra money.
even worse when you see people spending stupid money on something like a corsa, crazy
the gti is already a spirited drive unless you like whoring it round country roads at 100mph
each to their own I guess.