Andrew every comment that comes from you is always negative, every damn one of them, if you have a chip on your shoulder get it said on snip it

nobody is slating the 510 here and some of you guys need to calm down a bit, my opinion on this thread in no way said this was a cap unit or anything like that, in fact it states I am still happy with the 510.
I have simply pointed out the negatives from this unit and then the positives, if you actually take the time to read the thread you will see this.
the points I made about the 510 are factual and not made up, I posted that the unit is very good at connectivity and a lot of other features are also good, but because I list some wanting areas on the unit people should not just read that bit and try to jump down the authors throat maybe because YOU have this unit and you will not be told in any way it shouldn't have the flaws it has.
ok, maybe should have been in the review section but it is where it is and aint causing any harm.
most of the negative points I made CANNOT be turned of in the menu section without effecting other parts of the unit like the Bluetooth,
and yes I still use cd's until I have the time to sort out the sd hd part of the system, but tell me this.
how can a unit that retails for over £2000 not play a cd from the start ?
why does the system start to play the disk before the audio switches over from radio ?
go on try it yourself.
this is a basic part of a cd player and has been overlooked unless I have a dodgy unit obviously.
red robin is right with saying that my comment on an item may not be laid out in a way that gives you a cuddle whilst you read it, but, this thread was to get peoples ideas on the 510 in general and my thread is polite / factual and informative.
if you are coming on here just to throw a rude opinion then please don't and leave it for people who would like to comment on their thoughts regarding their experience of this unit.
as for you Andrew parker why don't you stay away from my threads as everything that comes from you is dribble
I knew before I posted this thread that lovers of the 510 would be upset and my intention is never to upset people,
I even mentioned to rr that 510 users would not like any negative comments on this thread about their system, this was before posting the thread, ask him if you like, so was I opening myself up to flak - yep - but that's not a problem.
although I have only been on this site for 3 months I have commented / debated / learned and helped out with mostly all that will read this thread and you should know by now that I don't just post rubbish about a good item ( with the exception to andrewparker who is

) did I mention that already !!!
so chill out guys and leave the comments to helpful ones please as we are all here to try and help each other, read the thread for what it is and if you have no constructive opinion then that's no problem, if 99 people love the system and 1 hates it that's also not a problem as this is the feedback I am looking for