After some further chasing the dealer emailed me yesterday to say he was about to talk to the brand manager and would send me their response along with paperwork regarding its last service that I asked for.
So I'm expecting a letter very soon, I doubt it will offer much if anything.
I wrote to the CAB and they replied giving me some details on The Sale of Goods Act 1979, it says...
Under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (As Amended) all goods supplied by a trader to a consumer must be ‘as described’ – the goods should match any description that was given before the goods were purchased. If the goods do not match the description, then you may have a short time in which to return the goods to the trader and ask for a refund. After this your rights will be to claim:
- a repair or a like-for-like replacement; or if neither of these are possible -
- an appropriate level of refund (this may take into account usage).
Not sure what short time is, I didn't understand the issue until several months after purchase, an appropriate level of refund could mean being out of pocket.
Why do I think this might end up going to court?!?