You guys know what Im like about my car, really don't think I can bring myself to drive it looking like it does! 
....I'm going to be very frank with you about that comment, Nathan! I know you feel absolutely gutted and each of us here would feel the same. However, stop being so anal about how your car looks - What's more important? The quality of your everyday life or what someone might possibly think if they see your car with a piece missing (and it's only temporary anyway).
Be at Inters! Screw how your car looks! It's only temporary and anyway you've got another VeeDub you can go in. Be amongst friends who will give you emotional support and don't stay at home wallowing in misery and consequently being bad company to your family.
P.S.- Also, why let this deny you the perfect opportunity to get your TTshop and VWR subjects sorted out?
Sorry, mate, but I wouldn't consider myself as a friend unless I spoke frankly with you - So you better be at Inters!