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Author Topic: so honestly what do you think of the 510 multi function system  (Read 11145 times)

Offline JoeDarKa

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Re: so honestly what do you think of the 510 multi function system
« Reply #45 on: December 01, 2012, 04:06:36 pm »
Iv never owned a sat nav or had any fancy headunit so iv never known anything different to the awesome RNS! Maybe some headunits are better but they look turd!  :booty:

GT Sport - Reflex Silver 2.0 TDI My Build


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Re: so honestly what do you think of the 510 multi function system
« Reply #46 on: December 01, 2012, 11:55:24 pm »
It's 4 x 20w RMS by the way...

I said it was 20w per channel on my post on page 2!  :P
well spotted hurdy  :happy2:


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Re: so honestly what do you think of the 510 multi function system
« Reply #47 on: December 02, 2012, 12:04:38 am »
Just read this and basically agree with what Hurdy's response was to your list.

It should do more for a £2k system but I doubt you actually paid £2k for it probably about a third of that price like many of us did (not including rvc, BT, MDI etc).

Most people sacrifice the functionality for it to look OEM and all the cables to be hidden. The nearest you can get to an OEM unit with more functionality is the Kenwood for £999 that has Garmin sat nav built in and you can get add ons like tv etc which put the price through the roof. Also all the iPod connections etc are on show from the HU which is untidy as you have leads coming out the HU.

There are other aftermarket HU's on the market that do alot more than the RNS and would probably have been a better choice but it's a choice you have to make, basically its looks vs functionality to some extent. Also  am I right you've got RVC as I don't think the you could get the boot badge rvc to work with an aftermarket unit so you wouldn't have that feature.

Tbh it's swings and roundabouts. Personally I'd go for another RNS in my next car (probably get my one moved across to it) as it does everything I need and am generally impressed by it.
thanks for that info nodz, yes I agree with you, the selling points on the 510 for me was the rvc and the oem look, at the end of the day it works well and I am happy with the system, maybe I should have said at the very beginning that I really do love this system but just want to make a few points ( wouldn't have came across as if I was attacking it I guess ) more thought on my thread next time mate.
and to answer your other question regarding the amount I paid you are correct I paid roughly what the forum rate is for an h system.
tbh I would have been a bit stuck if it wasn't for eddie-nl giving me all the advise I needed, I know he is primarily a sales guy on here but the amount of question I asked the poor guy regarding integration of everything I bought from him was loads, I had just bought my mk5 and knew nothing about it so I asked him a lot of noob questions at the beginning and he was always very helpful, nothing to do with the shopping list growing all the time or anything lol but to be fair the guy delivered exactly as promised and even helped my fitter on the phone when he hit a brick wall so fair respect for him.


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Re: Re: Re: so honestly what do you think of the 510 multi function system
« Reply #48 on: December 02, 2012, 12:19:08 am »
Don't understand this thread one bit??

Totally agree with you I've read all of this and feel as though Scott just loves writing for writing sake, sorry Scott, I see no real point to this at all.
In one line your saying its a great unit, then next its got tons of flaws and u think it should do more.

Best thing you could do is sell it and get something you won't criticize so much.

I personally don't feel there are any major flaws with the system at all, if tom toms so great go back to it.

VW have a great unit, basic speakers which can easily be upgraded Scott u just need to spend some money.  As a whole system it runs rings round a lot of other OEM stuff in a car, so if u want something better you'll still have average speakers meaning spending upto say 1.5k for speakers and stereo.

One last thing its only 3k to buy new from the parts department or 1.8k if u trade in old unit, when bought as an extra its about 2k with the correct roof aerial as well, so most people buy from eBay or Ed or Nick at upto 700 quid,  that's not expensive for what u get its a good price for a great stereo.

I'm sure there is going to be a massively long reply from Scott with lots of silly animated smiles, I can't wait!!

thanks si and no worries I hear what you are saying, no massive smileys for you though.
there is a point to this thread though and the answers so far are making that point,
some constructive and some not but that's good though,
many people love the system, some agree to minor basic flaws, some recommendations as to why other systems will and wont work - so I think these responses help the general question.
at the beginning I said I AM happy with the unit but am also surprised by some basic things on it, that's a fair point tbh and it aint slamming the quality, if it came across that way then ok I can see why.
at the end of the day all comments are helpful in some way
ps,,, now that response wasn't to big was it, I can waffle a bit as you say  :drinking: