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Author Topic: Best Mods for under £50.00..  (Read 10908 times)


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Re: Best Mods for under £50.00..
« Reply #60 on: December 09, 2012, 09:45:07 pm »
is there a one stop shop for the parts on the boot pop anywhere

The Skoda eBay page can sort you out. Someone will know the link or I will try and get you it tomorrow

I just tried them for parts but they will not post to me because I am classed as being in the Scottish highlands  :stupid:
ridiculous that is, where in the north do you stay

I'm in Kemnay so hardly the highlands
that's bad, you are only 29km away from me, im in banchory,,,,, I guess its just the postcode thing that gets you,,, must be a real pain in the arse

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Re: Best Mods for under £50.00..
« Reply #61 on: December 09, 2012, 09:56:30 pm »
It seems to be getting worse over the last couple of years as I never used to have issues like this

As I said before I can get stuff sent to my work but they ain't too happy about it


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Re: Best Mods for under £50.00..
« Reply #62 on: December 09, 2012, 10:11:17 pm »
It seems to be getting worse over the last couple of years as I never used to have issues like this

As I said before I can get stuff sent to my work but they ain't too happy about it
its all a lot of b@ll@cks mate, im as rural as you and have no problems, royal mail delivers everywhere, they cant be bothered telling their computers to charge more for that postcode as in their eyes it aint even worth the bother