I've got to say, they look like decent reps. The only obvious difference I can see is that the centre caps look too small...
Perhaps the more eagle-eyed can see something else though.
thanks for that Andrew, they put the old centre caps off the original monzas back onto these wheels I think as I noticed 2 of them had some bashes after I washed them and I know I didn't do it to them so I don't presume they came with the wheels which are only 2 months old.
I am going to get another set of centre caps and im sure I will find out then if they don't fit.
wish I had kept the caps as they where coded on the back but I through them in the bin yesterday, I think they where real but you never know.
the finish on the alloys are brilliant, the inner grooves are perfectly blended to the dark shade so tbh I don't know the difference myself but someone will.
I have seen some very poor reps on this forum especially the ones that look like they have been sprayed with a can of silver paint from B & Q, mines wont be perfect and they ARE NOT stamped on the back, instead they have a sticker with size etc on it but who sees that.
here is a pic just off the car

here is a pic cleaned and 3 coats of sealant

and here is the same pic but at a different angle, you can now see the scratches and remember these wheels are only a few months old, although for the first month they had no sealant on them then the second month only one coat of sealant !!!
is this just the way the monzas go ? or is it because they are reps,,, as you can see you cant actually notice the scratches unless you are at the right angle

you can see the sprigot things in the second picture
what do you think guys
thanks again

ps,,, whilst I am her can I ask with regards to detailing these type of wheels.
I have now bought r222 wheel cleaner from polished bliss, non acidic and expensive
followed by 3 coats of poorboys pink wheel sealant applied with their foam applicator but it says on the box that you should use a polish before the sealing ???
I use a very soft woollen mitt to wash or a very soft brush also from polished bliss for these type off alloys so I know the scratching is definatelly not caused by this.
I currently do not use any kind of polish, should I be ??
the wheels are woollen mitt washed with r222
then power air dried with a filtered warm air machine ( cant remember what its called but it was £200 from polished bliss and allows me to dry the whole car in 30 mins )
then I put 3 coats of the sealant on and still got the scratches sigh.
is it just the problem you get with polished face alloys and should I be using a polish between the wash and sealant ?
cheers guys