General > Old Event Details

INTERS 09 Your thoughts / comments.

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shame i couldnt make it this year :( currently in devon for two weeks!

Haha you're probably right! Its only a matter of time before one crops up somewhere!!  :smiley: :smiley:

Phil Mcavity:
To add a few more pics from Forum Members cars only, im sure loads of people will add more stuff that was on show in due course.

Some New colour coded exhaust on show from our very own TC  :happy2:

One for our very own Claire (golfgirl)


Had a fantastic couple of days bearing in mind what a sh*te day Friday was!

Today was a massive contrast to Saturday as it was very quiet and the weather wasn't as good! Good to see you all again over the last few days, and good to meet a few new faces!  :happy2:

I'll post a few pics/vids in the other thread soon!  :happy2:

Nath  :smiley:

good to see Vtec Abuser made it there and meet you Ben, assuming footwear may have been a hinderence  :happy2:


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