yeah they do look small in that pic, but when you look at this pic they look larger

I actually cant see any other difference, im trying but I cant see it,,,,,
maybe I would have to see in person both cars tbh,,,,, you see it is really hard to tell.
it could be identical but just comes down to the way the wheels last, do you get the scratches I get ???
in one pic you cant see them, in another you can,,,,, maybe in a years time they will look really bad,,,,, maybe that's the big difference.
only thing I can think of that would cause that would be a softer metal,,,, I mean they are both diamond cut aren't they,,,,,,, if mine are way softer I guess it would make sense they would scratch a lot easier !!!!!!!
am I making sense here lol as im trying to figure it out.
if this is the case I may have to decide if im going to put them back on the car after the winter on the understanding that another 6 months or so on the road will make them look really bad and worth next to nothing !
maybe id be better selling them whilst still in good nick and putting the cash towards either a oem set or something other than moz=nzas hmmm