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Author Topic: odd locking issue  (Read 515 times)

Offline waynos

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odd locking issue
« on: December 06, 2012, 07:00:20 pm »
been a while guys but here goes, ive had my 05 gti for about a year now, and my mate has a mk4 v6. A strange thing hapened at work today. i popped out and when i got back i locked the car as usual. i thought to myself the locks sounded louder than the norm. i look up to see the indicators on my mates v6 flashing! turns out now my keys unlock and lock his vehicle?!

now i did have a bit of a laugh by moving his seat etc but now im confused as this hasnt happened up until now.

we went out again and tried to get it on cam.  its a bit dark but you get the idea.

his keys dont have the same effect on mine though.

click the pic and turn your speakers up a bit