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Author Topic: Winter Tyres - Confused!  (Read 11092 times)


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Re: Winter Tyres - Confused!
« Reply #60 on: December 11, 2012, 10:29:12 pm »
Cheers Scott, much appreciated.

I'm predominantly buying winters for the cold, wet and icey conditions not snow.
I also can't afford decent winter tyres and wheels so I was just going to buy tyres and replace the existing summer tyres on my monza 2's.

Thanks again, you clearly know your tyres!
forgot to say, I bought my winters and wheels all brand new apart from being on another golf for 1 month last year for £400, just steel 16 inch wheels and look crap but I paid the money for the rubber, you may find something if you look about  :happy2:

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Re: Winter Tyres - Confused!
« Reply #61 on: December 11, 2012, 10:30:23 pm »
I bought Nankangs - they're a budget brand, and they've been great. Into my third year with them now and they've been flawless. I figure even a budget winter tyre is going to be better than the best premium summer tyre in very cold conditions.

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Re: Winter Tyres - Confused!
« Reply #62 on: December 11, 2012, 10:32:24 pm »
Thing is about "cutting through the snow" argument is, how much cutting are your soft rubbery tyres going to be doing at any width?

The rally argument... "but the rally drivers use narrow tyres in the snow"... yes, they do... coupled WITH MASSIVE F'in studs//spikes to actually cut through the ice proper to the grip beneath.

Overall, I very much doubt your going to notice on a road car the difference between winter wides and winter skinny tyres - I think the biggest noticeable difference is simply in the change of compound... from summer to winter.

I wish the weather would make up its mind and stay cold so that I can benefit from the Winter tyres, I don't need all the double digit sh*t we're set to have next week... where's the fun in that.  :evilgrin:


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Re: Winter Tyres - Confused!
« Reply #63 on: December 11, 2012, 10:33:38 pm »
Haha, every time I read one of your posts from now on I am going to find it impossible not to imagine you gasping for breath every time you use your commas :grin:
the trouble is I very rarely sit in the normal typing position, I usually have the laptop on a little table whilst I slop on the couch watching tv at night time, lights out and only light is from the tv so finding things like commas etc means actually sticking my head up of the couch lol.
I DID get a lit up keyboard when I bought my laptop a month ago and it helps a lot ((((((((( but on the other hand it means I can slouch back even more and type with my eyes almost level with the keypad ))))))))))
trying to find commas, brackets etc is not an option then.
bad I know