Round up from the day (Updated 28/02/2013):
Monies raised: £227.00
Best Power: Mk6 Golf R (392bhp) - Hurdy
Power Over Stock: Seat Leon 2.0 TFS Sport (199bhp) - David Cheung
Best Sound: Mk3 Golf - Christian Porter
Car of the Day: Audi A4TDi AirRide
Biggest Fail: Silver Audi A/S3 - Bacillous (Send me your address for the trophy!!)
APR Voucher (Blue): 36-40
Bilstien Voucher (Green): 126-130
Forge Voucher (Green): 11-15 (CLAIMED)
Scorpion Voucher (Green): 106-110 (CLAIMED)
Jetex Vouchers (Green): 396-400
K&N Voucher (Green): 236-240 (CLAIMED)
Powerflex Voucher (Green): 281-285 (CLAIMED)
Maguires Kit 1 (Green): 111-115 (CLAIMED)
Maguires Kit 2 (Green): 381-385 (CLAIMED)
AutoGlym Kit (Green): 26-30 (CLAIMED)
If you have any of the above raffle prize tickes, PM me with a pic of the ticket. Include your address where you would like your prize sent to.
Thanks for all your support, it was an Awesome Day and look forward to seeing you all again this coming show season.
Feedback welcome!!