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Author Topic: Old subject - Diverter Valve noise  (Read 1510 times)

Offline Lone_Par

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Old subject - Diverter Valve noise
« on: December 13, 2012, 03:05:33 pm »
Alright guys. I know this topic has been done to death and I've tried the search function but nothing gives me the simple answer I need.

I'm hearing a slight whistle when applying the throttle - had the sound when I first got the car in April, changed the DV in August and its still there so I am fairly confident this is normal, just need some reassurance.

The whistle is quiet and can only really be heard when the radio is off.



Offline GTI5

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Re: Old subject - Diverter Valve noise
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2012, 05:56:43 pm »
Alright guys. I know this topic has been done to death and I've tried the search function but nothing gives me the simple answer I need.

I'm hearing a slight whistle when applying the throttle - had the sound when I first got the car in April, changed the DV in August and its still there so I am fairly confident this is normal, just need some reassurance.

The whistle is quiet and can only really be heard when the radio is off.



When I changed from a split B revision ages ago it was whistling, particularly at partial throttle.

I then changed to a D and it disappeared for around a month and came back again. I didn't rate the D valve for this reason.

In the end I replaced it with a G valve and took the decision to relocate my diverter valve to the front of the engine which is the same as the KO4 setup.

I have had 0 problems since doing this and there is no whistle at all. The only sound I get when driving hard and coming off boost is a whoosh where the excess charged air is recirculated into the air intake which I actually like :happy2:.

Access to the valve is awkward but its doable under home ramps or jack stands but if your keeping the car it might be worth considering relocating the DV.

MK6 GTI Revo
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Offline Lone_Par

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Re: Old subject - Diverter Valve noise
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2012, 06:22:34 pm »
It maybe is just the excess air I'm hearing, just that I've nothing to compare it against. Most of the YouTube videos that I've seen aren't that great. No loss of boost or anything so not overly concerned. It's in for a service next week so will get them to check it then.

Offline GTI5

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Re: Old subject - Diverter Valve noise
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2012, 07:35:22 pm »
It maybe is just the excess air I'm hearing, just that I've nothing to compare it against. Most of the YouTube videos that I've seen aren't that great. No loss of boost or anything so not overly concerned. It's in for a service next week so will get them to check it then.

Mine did this as well and decided that in the long run relocating it would make life far easier as they can be a weak point in the system.

Well you can ask to see a print out of any faults found. If there are any faults for boost pressure regulation then the Diverter would be a place to start.
MK6 GTI Revo
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Offline Lone_Par

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Re: Old subject - Diverter Valve noise
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2012, 08:08:06 pm »
Cheers. Will make some enquiries about relocation. Is it a big job?

Offline GTI5

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Re: Old subject - Diverter Valve noise
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2012, 08:45:26 pm »
Here's a home brew method:,17736.0.html

I chose to use all OEM parts. Its not a massive job but if your car is in for other work it might be an opportunity to get it done and then you will have peace of mind on this issue :smiley:
MK6 GTI Revo
MK5 GTI DSG - Gone