Years ago when I had my 1st Golf GTI (MK2 8v Metallic Grey Campaign '88) I was on way to work (60 limit) and this guy in front of me was pootling along at 45mph so i went to overtake him and as I got alongside him and he sped up (Tw%t!) so I pulled back in behind him (he then slowed to 45mph again) so I backed off and got 150yds behind him as soon as I gap came I floored it and got past him, the tool then proceed to to throw his battered escort estate around 4 roundabouts trying to catch up, when he finallly caught up he started waving this red/white sign at me which read "Police" so I ignored him (he was wearing jeans and a T shirt and driving a 10 year old Escort estate, there was no way I was stopping!), anyhoo as I pulled into work he pulled up alongside me and started shoving his police ID in my face, he went on to tell me I was driving like a tw%t!?, my immediate reply was "I am sorry I did not realise part of your police driver training was to speed up as poeple who you are holding up overtake you", then gave him a right earfull saying it was HIM who was the tw$t firstly for speeding up and then for ragging the cra4p out of his old escort trying to keep up, my manager came out and asked what the delay was?, copper went onto to rant at him about "His employees driving habits" to which my manager replied if you kept up with him in that shed you must have been driving like a nob!, I just laughed it off and figured he was having a bad morning but my manager made a written complaint to the local Inspector as he started abusing my manager as I was just ignoring him and getting on with my job at this point (along with footnote counter-signed by my employers MD) with his name and ID number and his car reg plate, we both got a written apology (probably a std letter) about his use of language and "Aggressive Tones" (although the letter failed to reply as to to why he was trying to pull me when he was a regular beat bobby and not even traffic) going on to say he has been "Having some personal problems" and that he was very sorry for what he had done, I saw him several times again over the next few years and gave him a thumbs up and smile as I overtook him (within the speed limit) each time

If I get pulled over by the police (In a marked car!!) and they talk to you like a human being I will gladly do the same, but speak to me like some car thief you just arrested and you should not expect full NOR POLITE REPLIES!!!
99% of police are great and do their job well, however like everything else in life its the 1% that ruin the reputation of the other 99%, and you only hear about the idiots and not the guys doing their job well