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Author Topic: DSG or Manual ED30?  (Read 2628 times)

Offline j dog

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Re: DSG or Manual ED30?
« Reply #15 on: December 01, 2012, 08:45:20 pm »
Just go drive both and see what you prefer  :happy2:

Offline Markydee

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Re: DSG or Manual ED30?
« Reply #16 on: December 01, 2012, 11:49:34 pm »
I've recently bought a DSG edition 30 after much deliberation and years of only manuals. I'm never going Back - love it!  :driver:

Offline hunt808

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Re: DSG or Manual ED30?
« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2012, 10:27:29 am »
The old Manual vs DSG argument has been had many a time on here.

I'd recommend doing a search as this thread will end up going like this:

1) few people saying their thoughts (current stage)
2) someone will slate DSG
3) someone with DSG will retaliate
4) will go on like that for a bit
5) RedRobin will post a picture

And at the end of it all, your non the wiser  :grin:

So true! Currently this is how I feel regarding Manual vs DSG:   :laugh:

Offline mad_pete

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Re: DSG or Manual ED30?
« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2012, 11:26:23 am »
I think it's fairly accepted some people like manual and some people like dsg. But this thread was about which one is best for the OP and I suggest he would be best suited the DSG.

Offline Dave J

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Re: DSG or Manual ED30?
« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2012, 04:35:39 pm »
I test drove both - a manual Pirelli, and a DSG ED30. I would have been very happy with the manual - gearchange was very direct and sweet, even compared with my old mkiv which had a TT short shifter (always retained some 'notchyness'). Clutch was light, but nice feel (my old mkiv had a Sachs racing clutch to cope with the K04 S3/TT conversion, and it was pretty heavy in traffic...).
The DSG ED30 I stumbled on, in a way. The advert said it was a manual, but when I HPI checked it, it came up as a 'SA' on the report. I liked the sound of the car, so went to look anyway. The gearbox really impressed me - could drive it as a full auto if wanted, and the tiptronic / paddles if wanting to 'drive' the car as a manual.
I bought the ED30 DSG. Personally, I tend to drive my car in the tiptronic / paddle mode all the time. Best of both worlds, IMHO. 

Only thing I miss, is skipping a gear on shifting up or down (ie, booting it in 2nd, I might go straight to 4th, & likewise when changing back down the gearbox), and blipping the throttle on downchanges, but the DSG is pretty seemless...

I daren't think about repair costs, but I hope it is largely bulletproof - not sure, but thought DSG is pretty much the same as Porsche PDK systems?

Edition 30 - no. 1387

Offline seiko

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Re: DSG or Manual ED30?
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2012, 08:01:33 pm »
drove both dsg and manual before buying my ed30, did not like the dsg found the manual more of a drivers car, mine was revo mapped when I bought it, currently running in stock mode due to clutch slip in higher gears, no slip in stock mode, so if you are going to leave your car stock I would go manual, if remapping go for the dsg, or you will defiantly have to upgrade the clutch at some point

Offline hunt808

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Re: DSG or Manual ED30?
« Reply #21 on: December 04, 2012, 08:40:30 pm »
I test drove both types back-to-back this weekend, and honestly, the manual just felt so much better to me. I really wanted to prefer the DSG because I think it's a fabulous bit of kit, but I found it slightly detached, as though I wasn't sure what it was going to do next. I guess that would change with experience (only did a 10 minute test run). I like to feel completely in control of a car, which for me is part of the pleasure of using amazing machines like these, and unfortunately the DSG takes something away from that.

The other thing I didn't like, and this may sound strange, was that the gear changes were just TOO good for my taste. So good, I could barely tell they had happened. I found the lack of obvious feedback odd. Again, I'm guessing this is something you would quickly get used too and your senses would adapt to the subtle gear shift.

Having said all that I can now completely see how people absolutely love the DSG, and many of them would never want to go back. Maybe in a few years, the technology will morph into something that can satisfy the manual drivers and still offer the DSG experience...some kind of drive-by-wire shifter that you could use exactly like a manual (clutch and all), but knock it into auto when you felt like it. I can see something like that in the not-too-distant future (if it doesn't already exist?)...and when that happens - sign me up  :-)

My advice: definitely test drive both before buying a GTi!

Offline AaronMc

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Re: DSG or Manual ED30?
« Reply #22 on: December 16, 2012, 06:55:30 pm »
Well I found a perfect ED30 this weekend, and also sold my car last week so made the trip to view it.

It was a DSG, and I loved it, so bought it!

So pleased with the way it drives, and personally I love the change of the DSG from my previous manuals, such a nice smooth drive and the paddles are there for a bit of manual fun if you fancy it!

Think both are great, all down to personal preference!

Ideal if you can drive both first though!

Offline Rampage

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Re: DSG or Manual ED30?
« Reply #23 on: December 16, 2012, 07:47:50 pm »

The other thing I didn't like, and this may sound strange, was that the gear changes were just TOO good for my taste. So good, I could barely tell they had happened. I found the lack of obvious feedback odd. Again, I'm guessing this is something you would quickly get used too and your senses would adapt to the subtle gear shift.

I have to say I agree with this when I first got my DSG ED30. It takes quite a bit of getting used to and as you mentioned, sometimes its hard to 'know/feel' what gear you are in.
A Milltek non-res exhaust sorted that out and to me gave me that 'involved feel' back that you get with a manual  :evilgrin:

The increased noise and DSG burp is something that always puts a smile on my face... I never EVER tire from it  :laugh:

It really is the best of both worlds- in auto when relaxed and either paddle or manual gear shift when in the mood! It really is 3 for the price of 1!!!

Will never go back  :happy2:

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Re: DSG or Manual ED30?
« Reply #24 on: December 16, 2012, 08:51:10 pm »
I have a stock KO3 manual and stage 1 edition 30 with TBE...

I can't say I prefer one gearbox over the other tbh, manual is fun to drive & I prefer the "feeling" of having complete control over my gear changes.

DSG is also a brilliant box, so responsive and with paddle extensions really makes u want to work the box through the steering wheel paddles. A TBE will defo let u know what gear u are in and gives off cheeky little pop and farts on up/down shifts

Take a proper drive in both & see which u prefer...

Offline golfather

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Re: DSG or Manual ED30?
« Reply #25 on: December 16, 2012, 10:08:18 pm »
I went to a DSG Ed30 from a Manual R32.
Great box
Fast changes.
But I like to drive my cars hard, and it was always in the wrong gear when i needed the power.

For a little hot hatch the DSG made the whole experience feel a little detached.
Sold it within 3 months and went back to a manual.
...R32   :happy2: