I know the Goodyear Eagle F1's are a decent tyre too, I had them (or the variant at the time) on a Fiat coupe 20v turbo some years ago and they were fantastic.
Not too fussed about running different compound winter tyres really where I live, the snow never gets too bad here (I don't recall even getting any last year), just a constant rain drizzle from the Pennines.
I suppose its a case of tossing a coin then..... a three sided one at that..... Michelin's, Pirelli's or Goodyear's.... suppose I can't go wrong....
as long as the coin doesn't show Dunlops as option though!!

p.s. sorry to drag up the boring tyre thread again, I know it has countless hits
p.p.s. how many mpg does your car return ....

only joking
Right I'm off to wear these Dunlops down to the wear bars so I can get rid.