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Author Topic: Golf mk5 2.0 tdi, is it a write off?  (Read 5681 times)

Offline zonedemon

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Golf mk5 2.0 tdi, is it a write off?
« on: December 18, 2012, 11:27:23 pm »
Hi, my golf mk5 2.0 tdi 6 speed, lovely car btw one of the best ive had and always done me well, anyway 2 days ago while driving a lady in her mobility car pulled out into the main road just as i was coming past her, idk if she did it trying to time herself to come behind me but she hit my wear quarter panal and wheel on drivers side, pushed me up the curb which has popped the tyre on that side and put alot of scruffs on both rear wheels, my question is i love my car but its done a 162k miles, big con when ebay said 112k and wanted 4k for it but drove 300 odd miles for this car to be greeted by 5 men in the car trade and the clocks said 161800 on it, but i got it for 3k great car full service history very clean and looked after and the engine is very mint and it doesnt look or drive like a 162k car, but based on the milage if they take that into account will it be written off as a cat d or c, i dont want to lose this car and if they do how much would i look to buy it back?

thank you for any help.

Offline Andy

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Re: Golf mk5 2.0 tdi, is it a write off?
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2012, 11:41:09 pm »
pics will help judge better-welcome to the forum

Offline zonedemon

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Re: Golf mk5 2.0 tdi, is it a write off?
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2012, 11:57:15 pm »
I dont have any way of putting a pic up on here, but my gt tdi is the 3 door model and it goes right from the start of the drivers door not touching the door at all all the way across the arch, pushed right in paint stripped off to the metal and the arch i think is pushed up slightly like it got caught by her wheel or bumper, she didnt come out 2 bad front bumper scruffed headlight and drivers side wheel, i think her wheel did most of the damage, and her bumpers hanging off on 1 side, its a straight forwards claim shes admitted liability for the crash and her cars a mobility car anyway free insurance etc so shes not gonna lose anything anyway, her car was a brand new 2012 kia c'eed not the nicest looking cars but just slightly longer in size then mine because of her 5 doors, just couldnt believe i damaged a brand new motor of all things, and idk if theres any damage under my car like the hub axel or what but it is a bit bouncy as i drove it to my mums house less then 0.4miles from where the crash happened, could hear some griding noise like the tyre was touching the arch but theres plenty of room between them so idk.

Offline jason_rmh

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Re: Re: Golf mk5 2.0 tdi, is it a write off?
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2012, 11:57:52 pm »
It all comes down to the valuation.
They will take the book price based on make / model / year / specification to get a base value of an average mileage model.
There will then prob be a calculated deduction on the value based on how many moles over average you are.

The approved repairer will also quote for parts / labour to repair.

At the end of it, if the repair cost is more than the agreed value of the car, they will try write off as a cat d (uneconomical to repair).

if it comes to it, make sure you argue your case and point out any optional extras the car has too to help valuation.

Hope this helps.

VCDS (Preston, Lancashire)

Offline zonedemon

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Re: Golf mk5 2.0 tdi, is it a write off?
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2012, 12:08:01 am »
i valued the car at 3k the insurance valued it at 4.5k but put down 3k as thats what i paid, stupid me, i wasnt thinking about it when they asked how much i paid for it, so it was then put down as 3k, i dont want them to body fill it and its on the petrol tank filler side so idk if that would cause any issues as the bodyshops here do the job properly by cutting out the panal and replacing it, i dont want some tacky hit the damage out enough to patch it and paint, that is horrible and it cracks from all the distortion of driving wind etc, but they have also said to do that would be in the 2-3k mark after labour painting welding etc, if they do cat d it i would more then likely buy it back dispite the high milage it runs like a baby, and ive been given a vauxhall insignia hatchback 2012 white 2.0 cdti sri and im looking at middle of jan b4 they even attempt to fix it, tey have said but they havent come out yet, so im looking at having this car for atleast 6 weeks at £109 a day rental, why on earth do they give u such expensive cars, i can see why insurance is so high i would have been happy with a old banger.

Offline chrisr763

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Re: Golf mk5 2.0 tdi, is it a write off?
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2012, 02:42:49 pm »
@ £109 a day. A month is over 3k  :scared:

Offline graeme

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Re: Golf mk5 2.0 tdi, is it a write off?
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2012, 03:00:01 pm »
£109 a day ? Think i would take a taxi ... but then again if it was her fault her insurance will be footing the bill for you unless you did not have a courtesy car on your policy  :wink:

Offline zonedemon

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Re: Golf mk5 2.0 tdi, is it a write off?
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2012, 03:32:02 pm »
yeah that just doesnt sound right to me, maybe its 109 a week, ill check but i doubt it and yeah her insurance called me this morning asking if i wanted them to sort everything out car etc repairs but as she didnt leave her insurance number and being a mobility car i didnt know who she was with so i called mine who are proccessing it all, but her insurance got back today and said she has stated it was her fault and she has accepted all the responsibility of the accident.

Offline chrisr763

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Re: Golf mk5 2.0 tdi, is it a write off?
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2012, 03:47:59 pm »
yeah that just doesnt sound right to me, maybe its 109 a week, ill check but i doubt it and yeah her insurance called me this morning asking if i wanted them to sort everything out car etc repairs but as she didnt leave her insurance number and being a mobility car i didnt know who she was with so i called mine who are proccessing it all, but her insurance got back today and said she has stated it was her fault and she has accepted all the responsibility of the accident.

Thats a good start. In most cases they accept responsibility at the scene and later regret and lie to insurance  :fighting: Well... in the few cases ive seen. Im sure it doesnt always happen.

I hope you get your belved car fixed back to 110%  :ashamed: And if not... Get a better beauty  :happy2:

Offline zonedemon

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Re: Golf mk5 2.0 tdi, is it a write off?
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2012, 11:23:08 pm »
well as horrible as this sounds, if they write it off ill probley buy something with a bit more room as my sons 16months old, atm its nice i wanted a 4 door car so i didnt have to keep messing around, so i guess we would have to see whats about

Offline andrewparker

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Re: Golf mk5 2.0 tdi, is it a write off?
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2012, 11:29:45 pm »
I can't help with your problem, but please could you refrain for using text abbreviations on this forum, as pointed out in the usage guidelines :happy2:

Offline JStav

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Re: Golf mk5 2.0 tdi, is it a write off?
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2012, 02:22:59 pm »
I can't help with your problem, but please could you refrain for using text abbreviations on this forum, as pointed out in the usage guidelines :happy2:

:indifferent: You must be really run at parties!
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Offline zonedemon

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Re: Golf mk5 2.0 tdi, is it a write off?
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2012, 03:15:32 pm »
all i said was atm short for at the moment, and thanks to our government and society, atm, lol, omg and wtf will all be in a dictionary soon.
not looking to start an arguement but does that mean i cant vw?


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Re: Golf mk5 2.0 tdi, is it a write off?
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2012, 04:43:24 pm »
Constructive criticism here, I genuinely couldn't be arsed reading your post as there were just commas everywhere and no paragraphs.

Break up the post up a bit.

Offline RedRobin

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Re: Golf mk5 2.0 tdi, is it a write off?
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2012, 06:34:21 pm »

Constructive criticism here, I genuinely couldn't be arsed reading your post as there were just commas everywhere and no paragraphs.

Break up the post up a bit.

.... x 2 !! And Andrew is right too.

Think of it this way, if someone can't read your post because you can't be bothered to communicate in a way which is easy to read and understand, why should they bother to try to help you or offer you the advice you are asking for?

Besides which, it takes twice as long to read and re-read posts without punctuation in order to understand them.

And then for someone to make comments such as saying that they must be fun at parties, just adds uncalled-for insult.

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