Wouldn't mind but It's the same bong for low oil, low coolant, and any other thing it warns about! Could be anything happening with it!
....That's exactly the gripe I have. Driving at speed it's not nice to hear a sudden alert bong. I quickly got rid of the default bong when reaching 70 mph - You're in the middle of a fast overtake and you suddenly hear "
bong!" - It's actually potentially dangerous in my opinion. I was driving someone else's car recently with them as passenger and suddenly it went "
bong!" so my immediate thought was "sh*t!" and I lifted off the throttle. He then told me it was set at 100 mph. Sensible in a way for the UK as it's a ban, but the same bong is not a good idea.
Nikon offer options of different sounds on their Coolpix S30 (including a chicken and a barking dog!) so why can't Volkswagen manage to do so?