I went out to clean what was left of Devons insect population off of the front of the car (got most of the little buggers on the way up) and realised i have only gone and left my wash stuff up in Northampton
i've got some spare stuff luckily but only bits of things
so.....autoperfection if you're listening....
gunna need:
1 tub of your sexiest Purple Haze
an applicator to smoosh it on with
a microfibre to smoosh it off again
one of your finest sheep puppets
...and here comes the bit that stings........
one of your drying towels
i know....
..captain sceptic
well i'd just forked out on a brand new chamois so i might as well see what all this fuss is about and see if you can shut me up
can you pm me your very best 'ohmygodhessoloyalandhasspentsomuchwithusandhesareallyniceguyandkindofcutetoowithafourmdiscount' price purleese