i think i will just have to use the paddles more. I think the main reason why i find it hard is because i always drive with my left hand on the gear stick. I still drive around with my left hand on it when im just in drive mode.
I find it very weird having both hands on the wheels unless im hitting a sweeping bend at speed. I think that why i find down shifting with the paddles very odd and not natural.....
Hopefully over time i will enjoy it.
....I was exactly the same and I still tend to drive with my left hand on the floor stick when driving a conventional manual - More quickly ready to shift a gear.
But the DSG paddles have broken that habit when I'm driving any car with paddles. The great thing about the Mk5 GTI steering wheel is that it's ergonomically shaped so that your fingers naturally rest in the right position.
What further helps gear shifting on DSG are paddle extensions - Mandy sells them, PM her

These are mine (expensive TID's before Mandy's were ever available...........

^ They simply stick on and, no, they don't fall off!