General > Photography Section

JPC's Recent Photos! Nice photography of car porn, Lancashire Vistas & a cat! ;)

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Hi guys,

Been really trying to improve my photography game recently! Heres a pic i took recently of a frosty morning near my house...

I quite like the pic, although the JPG compression that i have to use on the forum has sapped the life out of it!

Ive also been playing around with off camera flashes, a whole new minefield to me! Ive had my first play around tonight!

My cat was all too happy to pose for me too!

Some more recent pics.. obviously mostly car related!

So theres a lot of pics i thought most would like to have a gander at!

Let me know your thoughts guys!

 :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

The first pic is great... the forground looks a tad over processed, but I like it very much!  :happy2:

it looked pretty much like it did "in the field" i dont really know how it was processed, just a few presets in lightroom! need to get my head around it all!

Top Cat:
First pic is great.  :notworthy:


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