General > Photography Section

JPC's Recent Photos! Nice photography of car porn, Lancashire Vistas & a cat! ;)

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--- Quote from: JPC on December 19, 2012, 11:15:12 pm ---it looked pretty much like it did "in the field" i dont really know how it was processed, just a few presets in lightroom! need to get my head around it all!

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Its a mind field i can assure you.  :happy2:

Awesome Jay  :congrats:

Im loving the Ramp too  :notworthy:

Lovin the reflections on the porsche and AM.

Those pictures look really good! Love the first one :)


--- Quote from: JPC on December 19, 2012, 11:03:13 pm ---Hi guys,

Been really trying to improve my photography game recently! Heres a pic i took recently of a frosty morning near my house...

I quite like the pic, although the JPG compression that i have to use on the forum has sapped the life out of it!

Let me know your thoughts guys!

--- End quote ---

....The life may have been sapped out of it but we haven't seen the original to compare it with and what I'm looking at has extra appeal because it's looking rather 'painterly' and like a fine illustration.

Why didn't you submit some of your VAG car pics for the forum 2013 calendar? I love the moody atmosphere of many of them and they look pristine quality for printing. 2014 beckons..........


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